Monthly Archives: May 2014

Business Radio powered by The Wharton School

The Wharton School has partnered with satellite radio provider SiriusXM to create a 24/7 radio station focused around business and management topic areas.  The channel is called Business Radio powered by The Wharton School, and began broadcasting from a studio here on campus in early 2014.  Tune in on Sirius XM 111.

Business Radio features world-renowned and distinguished professors and alumni as regular weekly hosts, plus executives, entrepreneurs, innovators and other experts as special hosts and guests. Broadcasting from Wharton’s Ivy League campus and Silicon Valley, Business Radio covers every aspect of business in an informative, entertaining and approachable manner — from the biggest headlines of the day to the nuts and bolts of how to build a business from the ground up — with some shows offered via live, call-in format.

Join the conversation by dialing 1-844-WHARTON.  If you’re not a Sirius subscriber, sign-up for a free trial.  And you don’t need a car radio, you can listen online.  For more information, please visit the Business Radio website at



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70 Years Since Graduating and He’s Still Got the “Hurrah!” for Penn

By Kiera Reilly, C’93 @KieraReilly

I always tell people that Commencement Day at Penn is the happiest day on campus, and this year, on May 19 as Penn celebrated its 258th Commencement, was no exception. In Alumni Relations, we help with the alumni processional portion of the event – alumni from every undergraduate class at Penn carry flags from their graduating year and march into Franklin Field after the graduates.

We arrive early in the morning, so we can “get robed” in our caps and gowns, and then wait for the alumni to arrive. The alumni robing is near the academic processional staging area, and I happened to be looking at President Gutmann and commencement speaker John Legend’s, C’99, chairs when the University Mace was delivered. Leslie Kruhly, the Secretary of the University, leads the academic procession carrying the mace.


The staging area for the academic procession. The University’s mace was just delivered.

Me and my colleague Casey Ryan, C'95. We lead the alumni procession down Locust Walk and into Franklin Field.

My colleague Casey Ryan, C’95, and I are robed and ready to go. We led the alumni procession down Locust Walk and into Franklin Field.

After everyone is robed, we wait a bit before we get the cue to begin. Here everyone is lined up waiting for the academic procession to pass.

The alumni procession waiting for the academic procession.

The alumni procession waiting for the academic procession.


Then we march down Locust Walk to the front of the Sweeten Alumni House. It was a beautiful day and everyone on campus was lining the walk cheering and clapping for the alumni.

Alumni flag bearers line Locust Walk to congratulate the newest Penn Alumni!

Alumni flag bearers line Locust Walk to congratulate the newest Penn Alumni!

The alumni flag bearers then line Locust Walk and wait for the graduates. The graduates march down Locust Walk through our line of alumni flags, and the alumni cheer, clap and congratulate the newest members of Penn Alumni.

Some graduates casually walk by, others pose for pictures with their friends, or their parents and family try to capture a candid moment of them walking to graduate. And in the midst of the several thousand graduates passing us by, at the front of the alumni flag line, was Harry Gross, W’44. Harry graduated in 1944, that’s seventy years ago for those of you having a bit of trouble with the math. He wore a fun Red and Blue hat, and as he sat in his chair holding the Class of 1944 flag, he was arguably the most popular man on Locust Walk. Yes, everyone wanted to wave to President Gutmann and take a selfie with John Legend, but Harry was the star.

Graduates thanked him for coming. They shook his hand, they said wow. And when they said congratulations, Harry simply replied, “Congratulations to YOU!” And then he told them that they’d be in his same spot in seventy years!

Me and Harry

Posing with Harry

Congratulations to Penn’s Class of 2014! We’ll see you in 2084 (and we hope every year in between).

Hurrah, Hurrah, for the Red and the Blue!

Commencement from the alumni flag bearer's view.

Commencement from the alumni flag bearer’s view.

Here’s Harry leading the alumni processional into Franklin Field.

Watch videos of President Gutmann’s commencement speech and John Legend’s address here (and also photos of the day).

See all the Penn Commencement tweets #PennGrad.

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Filed under Alumni Perspective, Class of 1993, Commencement, Kiera R., Notable Alumni, Photos

My 25 Year Penn Reunion: Living an “As Is” life in a world that only wants “So Perfect!”

Author:  Lisa Ellen Niver, C’89

Wandering on Madison Ave in Manhattan last week, I noticed paparazzi everywhere. After asking, a woman told us, with tears in her eyes, that JLo was eating lunch. I would have missed her. She did not look “So Perfect” but she is stunning. As I left New York City for Philadelphia for my twenty-five year college reunion, I have been thinking about what have I done and what do I want for the next twenty-five years!

In a life filled with product placement where JLo is lifting her Coca-Cola glass so many times per hour on American Idol, our lives have been given a structure that we might not purchase if it were not so insidious.

In As Is by Rachel Michael Arends, the story is told through several narrators and Arends is able to share deep perspectives about how people with different lifestyles lock themselves into their own cage about money, sexuality, and professions of what they think that want and should own and should do.

Through Arends’ intriguing characters, we are able to wonder and wander. Is it a good choice to be an artist? Is it okay to defer your dream to care for your father? Most of the interactions and characters would have accepted the decisions of their friend or family member if they had only been told. Fear made nearly every character in this book withhold their personal truth.

Hiding themselves made them seem like a cheap imitation of what they could have brought to the table. Choosing to be courageous and wish for what they really wanted and reach out to receive it often only comes after tragedy and hardship but hopefully Rachel Michael Arends’ novel gives you the hope to share your story and live a life painted fully without regrets.

Early in the novel, Gwendolyn says: “On television it can look glamorous, and perhaps some people would love this lifestyle. But I don’t,” I wondered what didn’t she like? And who was she really?

Wandering the parade and picnic at the University of Pennsylvania, I thought what would life be like if we did not pretend. Gwendolyn believes that Armand “actually enjoys being So Perfect all the time,” it gave me pause to think about who do I know who resembles that remark and do they feel like Gwendolyn that “it just seems wrong, incongruous, and unnatural,” and more of a cage than a life.

There were many buttons to wear at Reunion: “I met my wife at Penn,” “<3 Penn,” and “Don’t worry, I don’t remember you either!” Maybe several alums felt like Gwendolyn: “I find it scary and unnerving when strangers approach me as if we’re old friends. I don’t like to worry about what I wear, if my hair and makeup look good enough (according to Armand they never do), what I say, or how I say it. I prefer to stay at home behind our high fences, inside our security system.”

w/ Joyce Lim Twomey

w/ Joyce Lim Twomey


She has been told by Trey, her producer, “I’m lucky to have this job, that anyone in her right mind would want it.” At an Ivy League institution, in marriage or in many other settings, we are sold that line about being lucky. I went to medical school because I was smart in science. Like Gwendolyn I felt, “I don’t want to let anyone down…[but] I’m beginning to fear that I’ll be trapped in this mansion forever.” We sometimes become embroiled in a labyrinth or career and we seem to be stuck. Breaking out of the mold and consciously taking a different path can be a struggle but isn’t the freedom, to be who we really are, worth it?

When we become lost from our selves, we often need someone like Gwendolyn’s sister, Megan, to ask us: “What’s your plan? Are you going back there?” We all want to have someone in our life that we can tell as Gwendolyn does, “You’re like an island of sanity in the craziest day I’ve ever had.” It is possible we have those people already if we would only be honest with them about how we feel and what we need. Most of us keep our wounds and concerns a secret only sharing what we think looks “So Perfect” to the constant measuring up on Instagram and Pinterest.

When one character with a cane walks on a floor above Gwendolyn with a sliding sound, she muses, “It’s strange to think of carrying your damage on the outside where everyone can see it.” What if we shared our fears and foibles on Facebook and not just our fairytales that come true? Carrie, a character who is a fan of Gwendolyn on television but becomes a true friend in the story, shares, “The biggest thing I’ve learned over the course of this year is that life is one big surprise after another, and maybe I should loosen up and try my best to roll with it.” As I walked the parade on Saturday standing in between the two wonderful women who were my college roommates, I realized that I am so lucky in both an “as is” and “so perfect” way to have walked this road surrounded by people who know what I look life in real life and want to be friends anyway! Whether there are tears of joy or sadness, they have always run to my side, whenever I am ready to share this rollercoaster of life.

Arends’ character, Armand, realizes that “As Is,” could be his “motto for acceptance. Not an excuse to settle necessarily, but a reminder that at a certain point, you just need to say, OK, enough is enough! I’m sick of chasing the dream of perfection and that’s not a failure.”

Gwendolyn does believe in fate, as she says, “You have to. I just saw a falling star out the window and I wished for you. When I looked up, there you were!” In some ways like the movies, we want to say, “I wished for you” and for the person to appear. What if you are really wishing for yourself to stand up, take up space and live your dreams? I wish for you that you are inspired to pause and think about your own parade and find a path that leads you to yourself and the fulfillment of your best dreams.

w/Barbara Yorke

w/Barbara Yorke

About the Author: Lisa Ellen Niver (CAS 1989) was honored to walk in graduation on May 19, 2014 with her classmates from twenty-five years ago! Learn more about her journeys at and

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Filed under 25th Reunion, Alumni Perspective, Alumni Programming, Alumni Weekend, Campus Life, Commencement, Lisa Ellen Niver, Memories of Penn, Penn Alumni Travel, Penn Park, Reunions, Traditions

I’m Interviewing Because…

Author: Liz PinnieLiz Blog

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Filed under Alumni Perspective, Alumni Programming, Interview Program, Liz P., Volunteering

Congratulations to the Class of 2014

Author: Janell Wiseley




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Filed under Academics, Alumni Programming, Alumni Weekend, Alumnni Education, Campus Life, Commencement, Janell W., Leaving Penn, Locust Walk Talk, Memories of Penn, Reunions, Sweeten Alumni House, Traditions, Uncategorized, View from Sweeten

Alumni Weekend: One Student’s Perspective

By Kaitlin Meiss, W’15

Alumni Weekend is always one of the highlights of my year. Especially after my stressful finals, it is the perfect reminder of why I love Penn. The reason for Penn’s success is its alumni who strive for the continuation of excellence.  The last two years I have worked with the Old Guard Reunions (60th, 65th, and 70th Reunions). The Old Guard is the epitome of dedication to their alma mater. I am amazed by their lifelong commitment and love hearing their heartwarming memories from their time at Penn. I hope that I can be half as dedicated as them.  My favorite part of the weekend is the Parade of Classes. The Penn spirit is really palpable.

I cannot wait to help out this Alumni Weekend and then help plan my own reunions in the future!

There are so many great events going on but, I can’t wait to attend this panel; it should be phenomenal!


Friday, May 16: 4:00 – 5:15 PM (please note time changed from 3:30 PM)

Defining Success at Life’s Milestones and Beyond

Benjamin Franklin Room, Houston Hall, 2nd floor
3417 Spruce Street

Is success defined by your professional achievements, philanthropy, volunteering, fulfilling relationships, thriving children, or getting to level 70 in Candy Crush? How does success evolve over time? When you look at the balance sheet of your life, is it filled with more joy than regret? Despite setbacks, how do you define success and find peacefulness along the way? Join this inspiring group of classmates and faculty for a conversation about getting underneath one of life’s Big Questions: What is success?

Join Richard Shell, Professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics and Management, Gary Lauder, C84 W84, Randi Hutter Epstein, C’84 and Robert Wolf, W’84 for an engaging and interactive conversation.



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Advanced Moving Screening for Penn Alumni

Want to see Blended before it hits theaters and learn how it was made? Make the movie part of your Alumni Weekend experience!

Friday, May 16: 4:30pm-7pm
Rave Cinemas University City 6
230 S. 40th Street

Join producer Mike Karz (C’89, W’89) for a screening of his new Warner Brothers  movie, Blended. The film, a PG-13 romantic comedy, marks the third collaboration between stars Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. Stay after the screening for a Q&A session with Mike, whose credits include  “New Year’s Eve,” “The Nut Job”, and “The Jamie Kennedy Experiment”, and Peter Decherney, Penn Professor of Cinema Studies and English and Director of the Cinema Studies Program.

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What’s a Hashtag?

Join Alumni Education and two members of the Class of 1984 during an Alumni Weekend workshop to find out!

Saturday, May 17: 9am-10am
Golkin Room, Houston Hall

Social Media in the 21st Century:  Find out what everyone’s talking about!

Social media has democratized the way in which everyone conducts business in the 21st century.  Find out how you can utilize social media in your business ventures, volunteer positions and your personal life.

This one-hour workshop will provide an entertaining introduction to the world of social media, explaining what social media is, how it used, the basic tools of social media and why it’s helpful to understand the basics.  Workshop basics include an overview of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Google Plus.

Gwen Shields Hoover, ENG ’84
Vice President, Client Relations, Altitude Marketing

Gwen Shields Hoover, a 20-year PR veteran, joined Altitude Marketing in 2008 as a partner responsible for the firm’s public relations practice.  Today she is responsible for client relations and account management as well as public relations, social media and digital marketing operations. A valued leader of Team Altitude, Hoover manages the strategic and tactical aspects of corporate identity, marketing, advertising, digital marketing and media relations in the various industries in which her clients conduct their businesses.

Karen Glass, C’84, W’84
President, Glassworks Entertainment + Marketing

Karen Glass is a seasoned entertainment and media executive with over 20 years of experience in the distribution, marketing, development and production of films and television. Currently, Ms. Glass runs Glassworks Entertainment + Marketing, a full service film, television and marketing enterprise.  She is currently working as a marketing consultant to, a new curated digital video platform.  

AE Logo

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Filed under Alumni Weekend, Alumnni Education, Alyssa D.

West Philly Blooms – Spring 2014 Edition

By: Stephanie Yee, C’08

Spring is finally here! Enjoy the beautiful West Philly blooms of spring 2014.


Caught this beautiful corner in West Philly on my way back from the Clark Park Farmer’s Market

Caught this beautiful corner in West Philly on my way back from the Clark Park Farmer’s Market

Purple perfection

Purple perfection

My favorite tree

My favorite tree

Have you ever seen such unique flowers?

Have you ever seen such unique flowers?

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Fight On Penn Lacrosse!

By Kiera Reilly, C’93  @KieraReilly


Womens Lacrosse for 5.9.14

Penn Women’s Lacrosse vs Canisius

4:00 PM EST

The Women’s Lacrosse team, Ivy League Champions for eight straight years, plays today at 4 pm EST in the first round of the NCAA tournament against Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference champion Canisius.

Penn is the Ivy League’s automatic entrant into the NCAA Tournament via a 9-6 win over Princeton in the Ivy League Tournament championship game last Sunday, their eighth consecutive NCAA tournament – the sixth-longest active streak among Division I schools. The Quakers (11-4) will play the Golden Griffins of Canisius at the Field Hockey & Lacrosse Complex at the University of Maryland. The Terrapins are the tournament’s top seed, and the winner of Friday’s game will advance to play the Terps on May 11.

To read more about the Women’s Lacrosse team, click here and in an article from The Daily Pennsylvanian.


Mens Lacrosse for 5.9.14

GAME 15 – #9 PENN (11-3) vs. #12 DREXEL (12-4)

NCAA Championship first round

Sunday, May 11, 2014,  3 p.m. EST

Franklin Field (Philadelphia)

TV: ESPNU (Mike Corey, Matt Ward)

The University of Pennsylvania men’s lacrosse team makes history this Sunday, when the Quakers host neighborhood rival Drexel in the first NCAA Championship game played by Penn at Franklin Field since 1988 (a 12-9 win over Loyola). The Red and Blue is looking for its first NCAA win since that same year (a 12-9 win over Loyola), and just the third in program history.

Read more about the team here and in an article from The Daily Pennsylvanian.

If you’re in Philly, come to Franklin Field on Sunday to cheer for our Quakers!

Follow both teams via their twitter handles @PennWomensLax and @PennMensLax, and look to or Facebook for game updates.




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