Schmotziger Dienstag (aka Greasy Tuesday)

Author:  Lisa Marie

Today is Fat Tuesday, or what is known in Germany as “Schmotziger Dienstag”.  Fat Tuesday is the last day of Karneval, more popularly known as Mardi Gras, when indulgence in such treats as rich, fatty foods is encouraged.  Growing up in a German Lutheran household, I was very familiar with the practice of “Schmotziger Dienstag” and today I will allow myself a few pleasurable excesses in celebration of this tradition.

Massage at Pottruck: Penn Rec offers professional table and chair massage services 7 days per week at the Pottruck Center, to all members and non-members. Members receive a discounted price on massages that last any where from 30 – 90 minutes.  Having my back massaged by a trained professional is the fastest way for me to relax and find a sense of bliss.


Penn Food Trucks: There are many amazing food trucks on Penn’s campus and today I will buy something sweet AND salty to satisfy my “Schmotziger” cravings.

Food Truck

King Cake : Eat a piece of King Cake and look for the plastic baby.  This cake was generously provided to our office after I bought my sweet and salty lunch.  Oh, well, it’s Fat Tuesday.

King Cake

Walk in the Park: Finally, before I go home for the evening, I will take a walk around Penn Park.  Just look at that sky!

Penn Park

Tomorrow is the start of Lent, a time when German Lutherans deny themselves simple pleasures and abstain from excess.  I may decide to give up eating dessert one meal a day or stop watching mind numbing episodes of Private Practice, but for today, I will enjoy all the benefits I can on this beautiful campus.

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